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Thursday, July 11, 2024

[Jan 2023] Shimmery Peach Make for Pancakes

Hello angels! Does anyone still read this thing? 😂 Unsurprisingly I have once again neglected this blog and am trying to get through this backlog... again  💀
Last time we left off on me dying my hair pink again. Around this time I was settling in well to my new job and one of my old coworkers reached out to catch up over some pancakes.

I did a shimmery peachy nude makeup look that day. I was still trying to get used to changing my hair from blue to pink so I kept my makeup a bit softer. 

I ordered the baked apples and cream pancake. It was so yummy! I'm really sad this café ended up closing down a few months later 😭
That's all for this post, see you in the next one!!


  1. *raises hand* I still read it! lol I'm guilty of letting lots of time pass before blogging again (or even just reading others). So don't feel bad!

    Your makeup equals # goalssss~ You never miss! Also, how do you remember everything you did during these days when you're doing backlog?? My memory is so poor I forget most things unless I take pictures lol

    1. Ohhh thank you so much for your support angel 😭💖

      I took pictures of everything but never wrote the posts. It's not too hard to piece together between those and any instagram stories I posted around the same time!


Let me know what you thought of this post! ♡

Strawberry On Top Of Cupcake