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Friday, July 12, 2024

[Feb 2023] Dineout Vancouver Festival

Hello again angels, today I'll be sharing about the Dineout Festival! I haven't participated in dineout for quite some time now,  the last one I went to was in 2016. I just wasn't interested in any of the restaurants or menu sets so I stopped going. 

My high school besties and I have been trying to hang out more but it's been difficult with everyone's work schedule (and especially since one of them is a flight attendant so they're always out and about). We decided to try and get together at least once a month for dinner so we picked to do dineout together this month.
I didn't really like my makeup for this look, I didn't have a particular vision in mind and just sort of auto-piloted it. I was a bit heavy handed too so a lot of it came out darker and more intense than I would've liked but oh well 😓
For the outfit I wore this d.i.a top I got from Kohi. It's so funny because it's supposed to come with a detachable sleeve but Kohi never got it so I had to buy a random set of knit sleeves to kind of match it 💀
Here's a snap of it from a magazine
I swear the mismatched sleeves only bothers me a little hahaha 😅
We decided to go to one of our favourite restaurants. I always loved their set menu and this year it sounded really tasty.
Everything was delicious but the portions were a bit small this time around so my friends ended up going to a diner nearby to get hamburgers for "dessert" 🤪

I had a lot of fun and can't wait to go back again next time!
Anyways that all for this post. Thanks for reading and I'll see you next time 💖

Thursday, July 11, 2024

[Jan 2023] Shimmery Peach Make for Pancakes

Hello angels! Does anyone still read this thing? 😂 Unsurprisingly I have once again neglected this blog and am trying to get through this backlog... again  💀
Last time we left off on me dying my hair pink again. Around this time I was settling in well to my new job and one of my old coworkers reached out to catch up over some pancakes.

I did a shimmery peachy nude makeup look that day. I was still trying to get used to changing my hair from blue to pink so I kept my makeup a bit softer. 

I ordered the baked apples and cream pancake. It was so yummy! I'm really sad this café ended up closing down a few months later 😭
That's all for this post, see you in the next one!!

Strawberry On Top Of Cupcake